Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations: Here’s What You Need to Know

The wrongful death statute of limitations refers to how long you have to bring a wrongful death claim after losing a loved one to someone else’s negligence. Because these tragic losses are so difficult to bear, understanding Georgia’s statute of limitations for wrongful death claims is paramount. While you attend to the grieving process and attempt to put your life back together after a loss of this magnitude, an experienced Blakely wrongful death lawyer will help guide your claim toward its most favorable resolution.

The Statute of Limitations

In the State of Georgia, the statute of limitations for wrongful death claims is generally two years from the date of the victim’s death. This means that if your loved one is injured by the negligence of someone else and suffers for six months before succumbing to his or her injuries, the statute of limitations clock will begin ticking on the day of his or her death. There are exceptions and other notice requirements when a defendant is the government. Time is of the essence when bringing such a claim.

An Experienced Atlanta Wrongful Death Attorney Can Help

Rob McLendon at The McLendon Law Firm in Georgia is a compassionate wrongful death attorney who understands the depth of your loss and is committed to fighting for your rights in pursuit of your just compensation. To learn more, please don’t wait to call us at 877-ROB-WINS today.

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Do I have a wrongful death claim?

If you’ve lost a spouse, parent, or child to someone else’s negligence, you may have a viable wrongful death claim.

Do I need an attorney?

Wrongful death claims are generally very complicated, which makes having an experienced wrongful death attorney on your side in your best interest.

What should I do if I can’t afford a wrongful death attorney?

You shouldn’t let the cost be a concern. Reputable wrongful death attorneys work on contingency, which means that your attorney will receive a predetermined percentage when your case settles.

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